
Posts Tagged ‘this’

Sand Heart
Over the past 7 years, I have been blessed to be a part of many weddings.  I have probably officiated close to a hundred weddings and wedding vow renewals.  From experience, I can tell you that being a part of someone’s special day never gets old.  I love to hear how couples met or when they fell in love because those are the moments that define our lives.

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to meet and marry an incredible couple.  Having previously worked in Waikiki for many years, I have a few friends that will call me sometime when a guest calls the hotel and is looking to get married in Hawaii.  This particular couple wanted to get married on the beach and of course, I was happy to comply.

We met at the beach and at first glance, I could tell that they were in love.  They had a certain joy, a certain bounce in their step as they exited their car.  It also surprised me that they were a little older than I had expected.

As we walked to the beach I found out that this wasn’t their first marriage.  They confessed to me that both of them had previously been married for 25 years…to each other.  Six years ago, this couple got a divorce, slowly started hanging out again, going to weekly family dinners, began talking, fell in love and decided to get married again.  Apparently six years of separation proved to be too long and they decided to recommit their lives to one another again.

So here’s this couple, married for 25 years, divorced for six, standing in front of me on a beautiful beach in Hawaii.  Who could ask for anything more?

I’m reminded of a Bible verse from 1 Corinthians that says, “Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love” (13:13).

Congratulations Dave and Cheryl!

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